Games Published

Here are all games I contributed in different roles as a game developer, from programming and scripting to art & asset creation. This includes my own projects, other works, university projects & game jams in which my role was mainly artistic.

University Projects

Kaijus as Environments

Thesis Project

Awarded with Honors by the jury: Lasse Loepfe, Miquel Suau and Josep Serrano at CITM-UPC.

Jun 2022 - Oct 2023

Unity project developed between 2022 and 2023 for the FDT "Kaijus as Environments: Design & Production of a Colossal Monster functioning as a Boss Level".

The main objective of this study is to analyse what makes an excellent colossal boss fight and how to make one, focusing mainly on the creation and design of monsters that are also levels that must be navigated onto themselves. The main focus of this project is the artistic perspective. Still, I also mention topics from a design & technical point of view, which entails investigating existing examples of bosses from different genres, all compiled in a single document.

With the acquired knowledge, I created a working prototype of a video game boss level, showcased in this thesis's presentation. In this prototype, the player must defeat a formidable foe of gigantic magnitudes in the middle of some ruins by traversing and climbing its body towards the top, where the true enemy behind the chaos awaits.

Dune: Special Spice Ops

Project III

Feb - Jun 2023

Real-time tactics game for the 'Project 3' subject in the Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development at the CITM-UPC centre, Barcelona. The game was developed by Chamfer Studios and focuses on stealth, discovery and strategy.

It is based on the classic game Commandos, developed by Pyro Studios, a stealth-oriented real-time tactics video game from 1998, and with Dune theme, one of the world's best-selling science fiction novels, by Frank Herbert, set in a distant future feudal interstellar society.

Follow the story of our protagonist, Zhib, and his companions, Nerala and Omozra, to discover the threats among the people of Arrakis. They are ready to fight against all odds. Will you be able to overcome the challenge?

This game was developed using our own engine: Ko-Fi Engine. Its development started 3 months earlier and has been improving parallel to the game's development.


  • Team Management & Logistical Support
  • Assets & Document Organization
  • 2D & 3D Generalist
  • Level 3 Layout & Decoration
  • Lighting Definition
  • Rendering
  • Asset Bugfixing & QA

Shattered Dreams

Project II

Feb - Jun 2021

Turn-Based RPG game created for the "Project II" subject in the Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development at the CITM-UPC center, Barcelona, under the supervision of Ramon Santamaría.

Set in the 21st century. Shattered Dreams is about a 23-year-old guy. He lost control of his life and is now mired in depression. One night, in a dream, he met his late grandfather. He then told him that he would have to visit three of his most traumatic experiences: His time at school, a party in his adolescence and his nightmarish days of terrible jobs. All of this to either regain his happiness or... just let go of everything.

Apart from general coding & scripting support, my main role in this project was the main artist & musician, creating & researching most character sprites, tilesets, images, UI, music, SFX and promotional material for the game.

Game Jams


Survival Horror

16th June 2023 - 21st June 2023

Survival Horror Game by RuinaCorp, created for the GranCITM 6th Edition, with the theme "Echo".

The game aims to escape a facility haunted by cryptids by using your echolocation abilities to see into the darkness. It is inspired by aesthetics from the SCP Universe and games like Limbus Company & Library of Ruina.

While most of the assets in this game are taken from outside sources, my role as the main artist and technical artist involved in creating the models and programming the animations and shaders of the main beast ("The Humming Eyes"), creating the scenarios, documents, UI, trailer, promotional material, etc.

<o> <o>

Artemis 21


4th & 5th Feb 2021

Platformer game created for the 4th edition of the Gran CITM Game Jam pels ODS, with the theme "Promotion of girls' STEAM vocations".

You are Octavia Koch, the newest scout in the space mission "Artemis 21", to find and explore new planets. You have arrived on a new planet with your recon team, and your mission is to collect information on everything you can find with their help. "We count on you, scout!"

My main role in this project was being an artist. It was my first time creating pixel art assets for a game, creating the character's main animation, tilesets, UI & character portraits.


Games in which I participated as a mentor

inFontanilles (2nd Edition)

May 2024 - Jul 2024

Animal Factory

Visual Novel

Interactive text adventure that addresses issues of precariousness and famine caused by labor exploitation and class differences. It metaphorically presents a society made up of squirrels while inviting us to live a day from the perspective of one of its members. In an environment of protests, you must make decisions to try to improve their working conditions.

Developed by Blai Morales, Luis D Sánchez & Carolina Arvelo

Aqua Quest

Visual Novel

In a quiet lakeside village, peace is shattered when a polluting factory begins operating, threatening life and the natural balance of the environment. In this narrative-driven video game, join Glau, a humble fisherman, on his epic transformation into a hero as he fights to save his home and protect the lake nymph. Dive into a moving and challenging story that highlights the devastating effects of pollution and the vital importance of caring for our ecosystem. Will you be able to restore harmony and return peace to the lake?

Developed by John Denrick, Enrique Manuel Cayo, Jose Valenzuela, Matías Elian & Carlos Roldán

inVideogames (2nd Edition)

Feb 2024 - Jul 2024

Journey Of Lay

Psychological exploration

First-person exploration video game aimed at people with diagnoses on the psychosis spectrum, with the aim of improving the person's insight through incidental and indirect learning, improving therapeutic adherence; as well as the general population for prevention and promotion of mental health.

Developed by Camilo Lucien, Erick Jordan, Samuel García & Melek Cobo


Narrative Adventure

First-person narrative exploration video game aimed at adolescents and young adults with the aim of generating empathy, reducing social stigma and improving insight by raising awareness about possible relapse factors in a psychotic episode by making everyday situations visible.

Developed by Marta Fabón, Meritxell Torres, Mairen Pérez & Raúl

Reality Rift

Action RPG

Third-person action RPG video game. Aimed at a population diagnosed with the psychosis spectrum with the objectives of reducing social stigma and improving insight by learning about the symptoms, treatments, protective factors and relapse factors, improving therapeutic adherence and social cognition. It is also focused on mental health prevention and promotion.

Developed by Javier Ribas, Sergio Jiménez, Fernando Alonso, Pau Carrera & David Sabater

inVideogames (1st Edition)

Jan 2023 - Jul 2023

Oneiric Fears

Psychological Horror

Psychological Horror Adventure with the objective to sensitize players about the fears of entrepreneurship. With a unique perspective and an unsettling atmosphere, the game wants to send a message that most fears we experience when entrepenouring are unfounded and they never materialize.

Developed by Aida Lázaro, Jordi, Ernest Lloberas & Keymer

Travel Across Steam

Graphic Adventure

Intriguing Graphic Adventure that immerses players in the life of Margaret Hamilton. Through resolving puzzles and exploring, players will discover the fascinating story of this illustrious computing scientist and the challenges she tackled as a woman in STEAM careers.

Developed by Dani Capelleras, Oriol, Lucio Clemente & Pau

The Interview

Puzzle Adventure

First Person Graphic Adventure where players take the role of fearless space explorers that embark on a mission to repair the spaceship that will send them into an unknown planet. As they advance, they will confront challenging minigames and explore several scenarios, immersing in an intriguing narrative. Without players noticing, the game will evaluate some of the abilities in basic transversal competencies.

Developed by Sergi Rubio, Anna Cortés, Germán Ruiz & Vidal Mateo